Do You Have Fun at Work?
Posted on December 19th, 2016 
One of the first things I would like you to consider is do what you say you’re going to do. I hear it from a lot of employees that owners create these bonus plans and when they actually hit these goals, some of your team members don’t actually receive the bonuses that you set up. It’s almost as if it was a carrot that was never intended to be received.

I think that’s a real mistake. I think it creates some bad mojo. Please, please stay consistent with everything you say and make things happen. Do exactly what you say you’re going to do.

Next would be to be a "good" finder. I think most instructors are amazing at being good finders with their students, but I think you forget that being a good finder with your staff is just as important. The reason is, is that it sets the tone of how they’re going to behave across the board, to the other members of your staff and team, to the members in your school, to the parents and the spectators, and everybody that’s a part of your membership. So, I think it’s really important to set that example from the very beginning. Of course, the more you find good stuff that happens and to accentuate that and pay attention to it, of course you already know this, but the more you pay attention to it, the more it grows.

Number three would be to have fun. Create some situations where you guys have fun as a team. Do different events. Relax at work a little bit. You don’t have to be serious all the time. Make some people smile. It’s totally OK to have a little fun.

Have fun with your parents. Have fun with the kids. You don’t have to play games, you don’t have to be silly, but relax a little bit. It’s all OK.

If somebody is causing drama for you in your life or someone is causing things not to be fun, don’t pay attention to that silliness. Stay in your lane. Stay focused. Have fun. Do things that matter. That’s all you can really do. Do things that matter. I think that’s good for team training.
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